Thomas H. O’Conner

This former house site, located to the left on a rise about five hundred feet from Gate 35, is that of Thomas H. O’Conner. The house not only commanded an unobstructed view of the valley, but the huge, dark doors of its barn could be clearly seen from as far away as Mile Hill Road in Boylston. About half of this farm’s thirty acres extend over a thousand feet into the Reservoir. What remains of this house, as is true with many of the houses in the Reservoir area, is its cellar hole and foundation stones.

O’Conner House – 1900

O’Conner House Site – Today

That huge barn door was unmistakable from from across the valley, over two miles away.

It is a great guide when orienting the original distance photographs.


Mile Hill Road – Boylston

O’Conner’s Barn

North Dike – Clinton

O’Conner’s Barn

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