West Boylston – Central Village


West Boylston Central Village

     “Hi everyone, my name is Taylor Petell, and over the past few months I worked to virtually recreate the Central Village of the Old West Boylston. I am currently a 3rd year Chemical Engineering student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, so this project was hard (but enjoyable) work as it’s aspects were outside of my Chemical Engineering skillset.

     I loved working on this project for several reasons, but mostly because I have always enjoyed working with archives, digging into history, and problem solving. Additionally, I found much fun in expanding my skillset into website design and 3D modeling, since I don’t get to do much of that as a Chemical Engineering major.

     For this project, a very general personal goal of mine, that rings true for my partners as well, was to create something that can provide the community of West Boylston with entertainment, but also education on what the town was like over a century ago. I hope you enjoy!”

     Central Village is perhaps the most familiar to all for it is the grassy area surrounding the “Old Church”, actually a Baptist church, the last remaining structure of the villages still standing.

     This area was institutional in nature and contained churches, schools and the professionals’ residences. Its main thoroughfare was East Main Street which joined with North Main Street, leading to Oakdale, and Holbrook Street which crossed the valley to the rest of the town.

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